Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Somehow these pictures didn't upload! Just as well. I'm so proud of mom for graduating!!! she's so brilliant! a friend of mine was in one of her classes and mentioned how wise and smart she is and i had to agree. i love that i get to brag about this amazing woman! she does better in school than i do (not that impressive but i'm young i should be freaking intelligent) and she's ridiculously talented at cooking, sewing, gardening, and most importantly taking care of our crazy family :) i hope one day i can do half as much with my skills....hopefully david won't die from me trying to cook!

Mom reminded me of a story that she likes of when i was young and i think she was forcing me to get another perm (sp?) which was like the rack of torture for me. especially having 5 older brothers who would make fun of my smell for a few days after i got a perm!!! but while she and i were fighting about it i said, "i hate my momma! i hate my beautiful momma!!" well i don't hate her but she is beautiful and i'm so glad to have her so close by to make me dresses and let me steal her food. Love you 'beautiful momma'!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

What a cute story! You guys are so fun together. It's cute to watch how you guys are different in many ways but have a close relationship regardless. What a fun family I married into! I love all ya'll!